Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif has been named the most searched celebrity on mobile videos in a new survey. She has beaten international stars Britney Spears and Linday Lohan who are on second and third spot respectively.According to the Global Video Insights Report for September, released by Vuclip, the world's largest independent mobile video service, Kareena Kapoor is on the fourth spot, while singer Beyonce Knowles came fifth.
Dabangg" girl Sonakshi Sinha occupied the sixth place. Singer Pitbull, teen sensation Justin Bieber, Shakira and Don Omar wrapped up the top ten.
"A Bollywood star leading ahead of her global peers in mobile video searches worldwide is a testimony to the fact that mobile videos have finally taken off in India in a big way," said Salman Hussain, Vuclip's vice president, business development and managing director, India and Middle East, in a statement.
"Each month we see more and more Indians viewing videos on their mobile screen using not just smart phones but even basic feature phones. This calls for new strategies for advertisers, broadcasters, publishers, content aggregators, and telecom and internet companies alike," he added.
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Kaitrin looking very sexy in her first movie with gulshan grover. she has given hot shots in that movie with gulshan
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